I Am An Angry White Man



I am an Angry White Man..

I am angry at whatever I can,

And, there is no end.

I am angry at other white men,

Who think their lack of color

Enhances their lack of honor,

Or candor with themselves,

Over their lack of skills.


I am an Angry White Man,

And I am angry at other white men

Who look at women

As their pleasure,

Without any measure of sense

That they demean us all,

With brains, and hearts and dicks so small.


I am an Angry White Man,

And I will fight any man

Who treats my granddaughters

As less than equal,

And the sequel of my rage

Will fill another page

And pin you to the wall

Until, defeated,

you fall, and crawl back into your cage.


I am an Angry White Man,

And do not hide behind a gun,

Just for fun,

Or fondle it to prove my manhood,

Or drive a truck,

Or give a fuck

About your masked-ulinity.


I am an Angry White Man,

And I am angry at other white men

Who sold their souls and bought

The lie that money matters

More than love, or humanity,

And, to justify their bloat,

Try to push their hollow values

Down everyone else’s throat.


I am an Angry White Man,

And I am an angry at your stupidity,

At your smug, twisted face on questions of race.

I’m angry at how you can be so dumb

To think you are the chosen one,

Because you shout coarse and loud,

And mistake your insecurity for being proud

Of who you really aren’t.


I am an Angry White Man,

But don’t mistake my anger

For some pose, or passing storm,

Because I will not rest until

Rage becomes the aberration,

And love becomes the norm.






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