OK, so here’s the deal, and I can’t believe that a kid who grew up distrusting J. Edgar Hoover is doing this.
I’ve purchased a bunch of these standard Tees & had them inscribed with the phrase: “I’m for the Law, & the FBI.” I know, I know, Grammar Nerds…there should NOT be a comma after “Law,” BUT I wanted to make it clear that the LAW is above all, including the FBI and the President.
With shipping, the shirts cost me about $10 each. For $20.18, I send you a shirt, and send the balance of your payment (less shipping costs to you) to the FBI Agents’ Association non-profit organizations, either the FBI Agents Association Member Assistance Fund, or the FBIAA’s Memorial College Fund. You can decide which one by going to their website at FBIAA.org.
Of course, you can make a donation directly to their fund, but you don’t get the shirt. I refuse to make money on this, and am doing this because NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD PEOPLE TO COME TO THE AID OF THE RULE OF LAW, & THE FBI.
It’s time for us law-abiding Americans to flex our muscles. If you want to, just send me a private message. Total cost to you: $20.18 to show your support for the Rule of Law & the FBI in 2018. All proceeds over & above costs & shipping go to FBIAA non-profits, which help the families of FBI agents killed or injured in the line of duty—protecting our lives.
Put your muscle behind the law & law enforcement in defense of our democracy.