Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer.

The more extreme and delusional Trump gets, the loonier and more deranged are his shrinking little circle of advisors & supporters.

(Laura Loomer, Donald Trump’s latest looney advisor)

Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer,

Just as welcome as a tumor.

Anti-Muslim, Anti-Black,

Everything she says is whack.

Xenophobe & Homophobe,

Pimping for hate around the globe.

Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer,

Trump’s true spirit,

That’s the rumor.

Poor Melania took a flier,

For this ugly 9/11 denier.

Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer,

Screeching Trump’s defeat

Much, much sooner.

Grasping for the looniest base,

Vileness stitched into her face.

Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer,

Doesn’t bother wearing bloomers.

Every orefice open wide,

Auditioning to be Frankenstein’s bride.

Screaming at him night & morn,

Loomer is Trump’s Eva Braun.

Laura Loomer, Racist Groomer

Get the bunkers ready sooner.

Bursting with Alex Jones,

Roger Stone & Golden Bibles,

Resurrecting Old blood libels.

No more Jews eating babies,
LIES! It’s Haitians spreading rabies.

Laura Loomer, Racist groomer,

Just as welcome as a tumor.

Anti-Muslim, Anti-Black

Everything she says is whack.

Xenophobe & Homophobe,

Pimping for Hate around the Globe.

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